Nutritionists Warn: Excessive Ketosis May Lead to Uncontrollable Urge to Explain Diet to Everyone at Parties

By: Larkyn Fizzlebottom, Senior Health Correspondent

In a groundbreaking study released this week, the National Institute of Nutritional Nonsense (NINN) has issued a stark warning to the public: excessive ketosis may lead to an uncontrollable urge to explain one’s diet to everyone at social gatherings, particularly parties.

The study, which surveyed over 1,000 self-identified “keto enthusiasts,” found that 87% of respondents reported a compulsion to discuss their dietary choices at length, often at the expense of more relevant party conversations, such as the weather or the latest Netflix series.

Dr. Harlowe Quinoa, lead researcher and part-time kombucha sommelier, stated, “We’ve seen a significant correlation between the level of ketosis and the frequency of unsolicited dietary advice. It’s as if the body, in its quest for fat-burning glory, triggers a primal instinct to convert every social interaction into a TED Talk about the benefits of bacon-wrapped avocados.”

The study also revealed that those in a state of ketosis are 300% more likely to interrupt conversations about sports or politics to share their personal experiences with intermittent fasting, often leading to awkward silences and the slow retreat of party guests toward the snack table.

Local keto advocate, Jaxyn Pumpernickel, confirmed the findings. “I can’t help it! Once I hit that sweet spot of ketosis, I just have to tell everyone how I lost 15 pounds in three weeks by eating nothing but cheese and meat. It’s like a superpower, but instead of flying, I just hover around the veggie platter, waiting for someone to ask me about my macros.”

The NINN study also highlighted the phenomenon of “Keto Karaoke,” where individuals in ketosis feel an overwhelming need to sing the praises of their diet to the tune of popular songs. One participant, who wished to remain anonymous, shared, “I once turned ‘Sweet Caroline’ into ‘Sweet Cauliflower’ at a wedding. It was a hit, but I’m pretty sure the bride still hasn’t forgiven me.”

In response to the alarming trend, nutritionists are urging those on the keto diet to practice moderation—not just in their carbohydrate intake, but also in their social interactions. “We recommend a strict ‘two-minute rule’ for keto explanations at parties,” Dr. Quinoa advised. “If you find yourself going over that time limit, it’s best to excuse yourself to the bathroom and recite the nutritional facts of a potato until the urge passes.”

As the keto craze continues to sweep the nation, experts fear that the next wave of dietary trends may lead to even more bizarre social behaviors. “Imagine a world where everyone is on the carnivore diet,” Dr. Quinoa warned. “We could see a rise in unsolicited meat-based poetry readings. It’s a slippery slope, and we need to act now.”

In the meantime, party hosts are encouraged to stock up on low-carb snacks and prepare for the inevitable onslaught of keto-related conversations. “I’ve started labeling my cheese platter with macros,” said local party planner, Tiffani Zucchini. “It’s the only way to keep the peace.”

As the nation grapples with the implications of excessive ketosis, one thing is clear: the next time you’re at a party, be prepared for a side of unsolicited dietary advice with your hors d’oeuvres.”

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